Workout of the week – 28/1/2019

The Workout of the Week. A mini session lasting only 5-10 minutes to complement (not replace) your regular exercise. Use it to add some variety and an element of competition.

Leave me some feedback if you like/dislike or have suggestions for improvement. In other words, let me know if it’s worth me continuing doing these!

Click here to see the latest Workout of the Week!

1 thought on “Workout of the week – 28/1/2019”

  1. Hi Cerin
    Have to confess I read your stuff with some interest but haven’t ever yet done any of your workouts.
    Instead I’ve joined a Dr Cate Davies Pilates class, do a bit of walking, & have bought a bicycle which I’ve been out on a bit on sunny days!
    Did you ever find anor you in Aberdeen for our friend?
    Hope life’s good for you.
    All the best Pam x

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