Name: Bastards
Also known as: (If you know these by any other name, please leave a comment below).
Main muscles used: Legs, chest, shoulders, arms, heart.
Other muscles used: Everything else.
Top tips:
- Start by standing tall.
- Squat down and put your hands on the floor, a bit more than shoulder width apart.
- Jump your feet back into the pressup position in one smooth movement, just like the first half of a squat thrust.
- Keep your belly tight all the time, don’t let it sag towards the floor.
- Do a full, quality pressup, with chest touching the floor.
- Jump your feet back to where they were, just like the second half of a squat thrust.
- Jump high up in the air and tuck your knees tight to your chest, just like a tuck jump.
- Land softly on the balls of your feet, then repeat.
Common mistakes:
- All the same mistakes as the constituent parts (squat thrust, pressup and tuck jump).
- Cutting each part down into smaller and smaller moves as you get more and more tired.
Comments: The Bastard is a progression on the already difficult burpee. It is essentially the same move, but with a pressup and tuck jump added. Because the whole body is being used, it works your heart and lungs a great deal. The pressup makes it a very good upper body strength exercise. The explosive tuck jump makes it a very good lower body strength exercise. The combination of everything makes this a very, very hard, full body exercise. And it is horrible…hence its name. If you find this useful, please share it with your friends using the buttons below.