x3 dedicated workouts per week


Why this action helps

Your body is the greatest, most versatile gadget you will ever possess.  The better you can look after it, the better it will work and the more it will be able to do.

If you put time aside to make the muscles stronger and heart and lungs fitter, you will find:

  • You have more energy in everyday life
  • Your joints will ache less in everyday life
  • You will be able to do more before needing to stop and have a breather

While keeping generally active is fantastic and I will always recommend it to everyone, doing deliberate exercise to specifically improve your strength and fitness is vital.

How to do it

  • Decide what kind of exercise you like (eg – going to the gym, exercise classes, home workouts from the internet, playing sports etc)
  • Look at your diary/calendar and find gaps where you could try it for the first time
  • Start off with a single session of only a few minutes each week.  Gradually work up to x3 sessions of 45-60 minutes per week
  • Make sure the workouts target/work your muscles and get you out of breath
  • Enjoy the workouts.  If you don’t, just change the exercise to something else you do enjoy

Personal Weight Loss Coaching

Personal Weight Loss Coaching

If you want or need help changing your eating and exercise habits for the better, make sure you click here to check out my Weight Loss Coaching service – My Healthy Behaviour Coaching programme to help you change your life for the better.