Plan meals 24 hours in advance

Planning ahead

Why this action helps

A major reason we eat poor quality food is because often we just grab the first food we see, or chuck together a meal at short notice.  This usually results in junk convenience foods or meals made up of what happens to be available or what we are “in the mood for”.

It has been shown time and again that we have less willpower and make worse choices “in the moment”, compared to when we plan in advance.

How to do it

Look ahead at least 24 hours, take this improved willpower and use it to plan nutritious, tasty and filling meals for the following days.

  • Decide what your meals are going to be tomorrow.
  • Make sure they resemble the Healthy Eating Plate.
  • Make sure you have all the ingredients needed and add any you don’t have to your shopping list.
  • Use your time to prepare/defrost or get ready anything needed in the recipe.

Personal Weight Loss Coaching

Personal Weight Loss Coaching

If you want or need help changing your eating and exercise habits for the better, make sure you click here to check out my Weight Loss Coaching service – My Healthy Behaviour Coaching programme to help you change your life for the better.