If we need to change our activity levels, or if we need to change our eating/drinking habits, it can be a bit daunting. We see and hear so many things we should be doing. We look at ourselves and at those people in the magazines and think there is so much we need to change! Where do we even start?
Well, don’t worry. Do me a favour and don’t try to change everything. You shouldn’t try to change it all in one go. That will almost certainly lead to failure.
However, there is a saying a wise man once said:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results”.
So if you want to be fitter or stronger or slimmer or healthier, you certainly don’t have to change absolutely everything about yourself…but you do need to change something. Otherwise, if there is no change in action, there will be no change in outcome.
If you want help taking these first steps, contact me here and maybe I can give you some good advice.