Just a quick announcement! Starting this Friday is my new Live Better online programme. Ideal for people who know they want to change their lifestyle for the better, why they want to do it and are ready for the journey.
- 12 week programme
- Completely online
- Full coaching to teach you:
- How habits can be powerful friends or foe.
- How to build up new, good eating and exercise habits.
- A wide range of tools and techniques to improve your weight, health, strength and fitness.
- How to be self reliant and continue to make healthier choices.
- How to take control of your eating and exercise to live better.
- Change your eating and exercising habits once and for all
- Change one thing at a time
- Weekly accountability debriefs to keep you on the straight and narrow
- Learn what to do when (not if) we fall off the wagon
- By the end of it, you will be living your life in a different, better way.
I have spent quite a lot of time getting the Live Better online programme right and I genuinely think it can help a lot of people. So you would really make my day if you go take a look at it and see if you are one of those people…