First of all, here is the disclaimer…I am not a physiotherapist, or qualified in pain relief in any way. I am just a person with an interest in the way the human body moves and works. So if you know more than me, and know that i am just talking out of my hat, leave a comment below and tell me. But I work with several people with various injuries and disabilities. A few of whom suffer from chronic pain. It took me a while to appreciate the concept of chronic pain. As a young, healthy bloke with a background in martial arts I would think that i have been hit by loads of people and got hurt (I was never that good at martial arts!). I would think:
shotokan karate
Movement analysis of Karate kicks.
Video analysis of various kicks from the other day. This video is at quarter speed and we are using it to check the limbs take the best path to their target, and that there is no “telegraphing” of the move… If you think you may benefit from movement analysis such as this, contact me today, … Read more
KUGB Grand Slam – 25/8/07
Janine Collins vs Holly Sterling Some of the action from the KUGB Grand Slam of August 25th 2007. As always, if you can help me put names to faces…please get in touch! And as always, big thanks to Helen and Jane who always come through for me and tell me who these top athletes are!
KUGB Grand Slam – 24/02/07
Some pictures from the KUGB Grand Slam of Feb 24th 2007. Wales Vs. England Vs. Scotland.
There are quite a few of them, but let them all load, because at the bottom there are a few action sequences that are pretty good!
And if you can name any of the people in the pics, Contact us and let us put some more names to faces!