COPD and exercise

I was honoured to talk to the local COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) group today. It was to talk about the advantages of exercise to people who have great trouble in breathing, and I was all ready to explain to them how getting out of breath is actually really god for them! As it turned … Read more

“Should you be doing that…?”

“Should you be doing that?” I’ve heard that question asked a lot.  It used to piss me off a lot.  Someone close to me was involved in a car crash.  And while she was recovering and regaining her health in the gym, she was constantly told to not do anything, to lay down and don’t … Read more

The best exercises to strengthen your joints

A common question I am asked is: “What are the best exercises to strengthen my knee/hips/shoulders/elbows/back?” In other words, what exercises are there to strengthen my joints?? So first things first, the usual disclaimers:  I’m not a physio or anything, I’m no expert, and this is not advice in any way at all.  It’s just … Read more

Achilles repair – day 32

Back in the hospital today for regular checkup and change of plaster.  Apparently healing very well and my ankle is now back in a new pot with a nearly 90 degree bend on it.  So in another 2 weeks time I should be in with final new plaster or maybe a boot.  So still hobbling … Read more

Achilles repair – Day 17

Back in the hospital to check how everything has gone.  17 days after the injury and 10 days after surgery. My first adventure through town in the rain and then on the bus and all was good.  The consultant had a very quick look at how things were and tried to bend my ankle a … Read more

Achilles rupture rehab – part 1

Slight change of tone in these articles for the next couple of months I’m afraid.  Just to give you a fair warning, you may or may not be interested in the content. Last night, while taking a class, I ruptured my left achilles tendon.  That is the thing that attaches your calf muscle to your heel … Read more

Skipton Stroke Support Group

Skipton Stroke Support Group. As you hopefully know, I have started taking a stroke rehab class on Friday afternoons at Craven Fitness Centre (click here for all the details). Well, straight after it, there will be a Stroke Support Group for anyone and everyone to come along to.  I’ll be there to answer any questions … Read more

First Skipton Stroke Rehab session done!

So we just finished our first official Stroke Rehab session at Craven Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre.  And I can’t talk for anyone else, but I think it was bloody outstanding!  Again, I got to say a huge thank you to Tanya who helped me throughout.  Having a second experienced pair of hands I can … Read more

The kind of trainer I want to be.

Forgive me, but this bit of writing is just me trying to put in words some things that have been flaffing about in my head for a while.  Feel free to ignore it… ************************************************* Over the last few months I have been learning about ways to help rehab people who have suffered from a stroke. … Read more

Getting out of the wheelchair and relearning to walk.

I’ve been spending the last few months working with Joan, who has been in a wheelchair for a long time.  The goal has been to help her stand and re-learn how to walk. And that is the important bit…she needs to relearn how to walk.  How do you teach someone how to walk?  Is it just a case of “put one foot in front of the other?”  At first, I thought it was as simple as that.  But I now know, if you do that you will fall over.  There is a hell of lot more to it than just that. Just some of the things you need to do include:

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