I’ve been spending the last few months working with Joan, who has been in a wheelchair for a long time. The goal has been to help her stand and re-learn how to walk. And that is the important bit…she needs to relearn how to walk. How do you teach someone how to walk? Is it just a case of “put one foot in front of the other?” At first, I thought it was as simple as that. But I now know, if you do that you will fall over. There is a hell of lot more to it than just that. Just some of the things you need to do include:
Exercise and the stroke survivor
I talk to a lot of stroke survivors about exercise and how it might be of benefit to them. And because most people have similar questions and concerns, I decided to put the basics down here. If you are a stroke survivor, or know a stroke survivor, please feel free to click below and have … Read more