Rees Fitness is going full time!

Up until now I have been doing my Rees Fitness coaching in my spare time.  My full time job was working in the council run gym at Skipton.  Because of this, I have never been able to be fully commited to Rees Fitness…but that is all changing now. As of September, I will no longer … Read more

Guess who got published and now can’t fit his head through the door…

My friend Pam was stand in editor of her local parish newsletter and she had some space to fill.  So she asked me to write 500 words on training outdoors.  Here is what I came up with.  Hope you like it… *************************************************** Welcome to our outdoor gym! My name is Cerin and I’m a local … Read more

Could you help me by putting this poster EVERYWHERE???

I’ve long known that my strengths certainly do not lie in the area of marketing!  I am particularly rubbish at getting the word out to people and actually informing people about the when and where of training.  So, I’m going to ask everyone to please, please help me.  I’ve just started a new, regular training session held … Read more

Tough Mudder is coming to Skipton…

It’s finally been announced!  This years Yorkshire Tough Mudder is being held at our regular training ground of Broughton Hall!   Yes, where we regularly train.  Where we store most of our heavy, smelly, horrible training toys.  Where we all have cried, sweated, fallen, shivered.  Where we spent last summer soaked to the skin.  Where … Read more

New Upcoming Events page

Just added a new page to the website.  It is the “Upcoming Events” page.  I’m hoping to list the events I’m taking part in here.  This is partly to help me keep track of things (I’m easily confused!) and so anyone who is interested in giving them a go can think about joining me and … Read more

Re-hashed Website

As you can probably see already, I’ve spent Christmas re-hashing the website.  Feel free to try all the links and see if any bits of it are broken. And as soon as you have done that, tell your friends and show them!

Bootcamp time again in Skipton!

Bootcamp training

Bootcamp training

The days are getting longer, the weather is not as cold and it seems more people are willing to join me in some outdoor training!  This can mean only one thing…It’s Bootcamp time again in Skipton! What is a bootcamp?  Originally its the rough and tough training you get in basic training in the military.  These days it generally means any kind of training that involves minimal equipment and usually outdoors.  And as a few of us have signed up for some outdoor challenges this year (Trailtrekker, Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder, Commando Challenge) it is perfect to get us in top form. But why train outside when I work in a lovely, climate controlled gym??

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The difference between a sweat session and a “clinic”.

Some people have been surprised when watching me coach clients.  They have expected a hard, rip-roaring sweat session…pushing people to the max like some drill sergeant. And to be honest, sometime that is my job.  Sometimes I do need to push people out of their comfort zone in order to get them to their goals. But the main part of my job is not simply getting people to do more (a sweat session). It is getting people to do better (a technical session).

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