Waist fat ‘increases heart risk’

Abdominal fat Click here (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-13222192) for the news story. It says how where you carry your bodyfat can have a big impact on your health and risks of disease.  It talks about the waist/hip ratio.  Or how much fat you are carrying around your belly.  This is a very easy measurement to take.  In fact, you can … Read more

How central heating is making you fat(?)

I read this story in the Daily Mail (click here for story).  It suggests that the reason 2 thirds of the UK population is overweight or obese, is because of central heating. The thinking goes, if we are in a warm cosy environment (like a centrally heated room) our bodies don’t have to burn so many calories to keep us warm. Now that is a very good theory, and it sounds totally plausible to me.  It is true, the colder your body, the more calories it burns to maintain your body temperature…BUT GET REAL!

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Fat and fit

I think I depressed one of my work colleagues today.  I was showing them the scales that work out your body fat percentage.  Unfortunately it gave a higher percentage than they hoped (it classed them as obese). So he asked how can he be classed as obese if he does so much training? Well, fitness … Read more