Coming soon….Get Moving!

Coming soon! I already do exercise classes aimed at helping Stroke survivors. But I have noticed for a while now that other people, with other chronic medical conditions have been coming and been benefiting from the training. So, I am pairing up with Anna Sheryn of the Craven Dragons netball club to start classes open … Read more

5x5x5 to get you moving better.

We can all benefit from moving a bit better, a bit more often. So here is a very nice and simple way to help you do just that. Why not give it a try? What is it? 5 simple exercises/movements. You do x5 moves for a total of x5 minutes, x5 days a week. Yep, … Read more

Shotokan Karate for pain relief?

Shotokan Karate

Shotokan Karate

First of all, here is the disclaimer…I am not a physiotherapist, or qualified in pain relief in any way.  I am just a person with an interest in the way the human body moves and works.  So if you know more than me, and know that i am just talking out of my hat, leave a comment below and tell me. But I work with several people with various injuries and disabilities.  A few of whom suffer from chronic pain.  It took me a while to appreciate the concept of chronic pain.  As a young, healthy bloke with a background in martial arts I would think that i have been hit by loads of people and got hurt (I was never that good at martial arts!).  I would think:

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This one is for the office workers out there!

This one is for all you office workers out there.  If you find yourself sitting in front of your PC for 8 hours a day, you are probably storing up a load of problems for your body.

Not only the obvious ones like getting fat and unfit, but soon your joints are going to start giving you problems, your mobility will reduce and risks of repetitive strain injury (RSI) will increase.

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Movement Analysis – See how you move and how it can be improved.

I see my job as helping people move more, and move better (hence the tagline to my website – “Movement & Variety”).  I’ve been lucky and since I started Karate when I was 7, I have been coached to move well (well = efficiently, safely and with coordination). And because of this, I notice just how many people move badly (badly = inefficient, unsafe and uncoordinated…click here).  These people come in all shapes and sizes, from your average Joe through to your exercise junkie. 

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Are you crippling yourself every time you walk?

Out turned footprints in the snow.

Out turned footprints in the snow.

I was walking into work yesterday morning, looking at the footprints in the snow, left by someone who had been along before.  This person showed a common problem that can lead to bad things if they are not carefull.  You could see that as they walked, their feet were pointing outwards nearly diagonally!    In other words, they were walking like Charlie Chaplin.  They had “duck feet”.

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