The 4 R’s

This morning I read about the 4 R’s on the excellent Excelsior blog.  They are: Run well Run fast Rest Repeat I love these because they are a concise way of saying what I have been trying to pass along to people for ages now.  When we start exercising, after a while, we all end … Read more

The Intensity/Duration Curve – or “How come I walk for hours every day, but still get knackered climbing the stairs?”

Do you recognise the following:

“I think I’m reasonably fit.  I do a lot of walking (dozens of miles a every week), but I get so out of breath when I climb the stairs/run for a bus/play with the kids.  What is wrong with me?”

The Intensity/Duration Curve

The Intensity/Duration Curve

I recognise it.  Every single week someone comes up to me and asks me some version of this question, so here is the answer.

It is all to do with the Intensity/Duration Curve.  First of all, here are a couple of definitions:

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