I read this story (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8429518/Sprints-better-than-marathon-for-heart-health.html) when it came out last month. It shows how multiple, maximal effort sprints had similar effects on health compared to long duration exercise. But after chatting with some people in the gym, I have a couple of problems with the practical implications of it…
heart health
Taking regular breaks from desk ‘good for the heart’
Taking lots of breaks from sitting at a desk is good for the waistline and heart health, research suggests. Click here to read the news story in full. Research showing that if you sit around all day, you will get unhealthy. But if you regularly get up on your feet (even for a minute or so) you can improve your health. Click here to download the actual study paper. Some practical tips from the story: