Get Moving Classes after COVID

Hello everyone! Just want to give everyone an update on the “real life” Get Moving classes here in North Yorkshire. Gyms etc are allowed to open from Saturday July 25th, so the time for classes is getting near! We got some requirements to consider before we can start though, and as soon as we meet … Read more

No Get Moving class in Ilkley Monday

Because of the tennis tournament at Ilkley tennis club next week, there will be no Get Moving class at Ilkley this Monday! Make sure you let everyone know. But don’t worry, you can join us on Friday morning at Steeton if you like. All details can be found by clicking here…

No Keighley class this Wednesday

I’m afraid there will be no class this Wednesday at Keighley. I will be going to a funeral and won’t be able to make it to the session. I’m sorry about that, but don’t forget the other classes we run through the week. All details can be found by clicking here.

Busy week last week

This is nothing more than a chance for me to blow my own trumpet for a minute, so feel free to go back to watching Game of Thrones or whatever you were doing…But last week I was a bit busy meeting and chatting to various people! Monday – Talk with the Skipton Invisible Illnesses group … Read more

Thank you to the Skipton Invisible Illnesses group

On Monday evening, we went to have a chat with the Skipton Invisible Illnesses group about exercise and what we do at our Get Moving classes. The group is a support group for people with conditions, illnesses and disabilities that are not obvious to the wider world. Conditions such as fibromyalga, lupus, ME, FND, anxiety, … Read more

Get Moving on Friday March 1st!

Put the date in your diary and please share this with anyone you know! Get Moving, the new exercise class for people with ongoing, chronic conditions, will start on Friday March 1st. If you find it hard, difficult or maybe a bit scary to exercise or even start exercising because of your medical condition, why … Read more

Coming soon….Get Moving!

Coming soon! I already do exercise classes aimed at helping Stroke survivors. But I have noticed for a while now that other people, with other chronic medical conditions have been coming and been benefiting from the training. So, I am pairing up with Anna Sheryn of the Craven Dragons netball club to start classes open … Read more