Thank you to the Skipton Invisible Illnesses group

On Monday evening, we went to have a chat with the Skipton Invisible Illnesses group about exercise and what we do at our Get Moving classes. The group is a support group for people with conditions, illnesses and disabilities that are not obvious to the wider world. Conditions such as fibromyalga, lupus, ME, FND, anxiety, … Read more

Workout of the week – 25/3/2019

The Workout of the Week. A mini session lasting only 5-10 minutes to complement (not replace) your regular exercise. Use it to add some variety and an element of competition. Leave me some feedback if you like/dislike or have suggestions for improvement. In other words, let me know if it’s worth me continuing doing these! … Read more

Workout of the week – 18/3/2019

The Workout of the Week. A mini session lasting only 5-10 minutes to complement (not replace) your regular exercise. Use it to add some variety and an element of competition. Leave me some feedback if you like/dislike or have suggestions for improvement. In other words, let me know if it’s worth me continuing doing these! … Read more