Keeping an Activity Diary

Activity diary

Why this action helps

It is very easy to take the easy option and slip into a sedentary lifestyle, without really noticing it.  Tracking the activity and exercise you do, makes sure you can’t kid yourself into thinking you are active, when you really aren’t.

You can see how active, fit and strong you are now compared to the past or future versions of you.

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Bedtime Routine

Why this action helps

People sleep better if their body follows a consistent routine at bedtime and in the morning.  If the hour or so before you go to bed is always changing, the body has a harder time winding down and moving from an “awake” state, to a “sleep” state.

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Plan meals 24 hours in advance

Planning ahead

Why this action helps

A major reason we eat poor quality food is because often we just grab the first food we see, or chuck together a meal at short notice.  This usually results in junk convenience foods or meals made up of what happens to be available or what we are “in the mood for”.

It has been shown time and again that we have less willpower and make worse choices “in the moment”, compared to when we plan in advance.

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Advent challenge – Dec 24

Advent challenge – Dec 24

Welcome to the last Advent Challenge!  Congratulations if you have managed to do them all…you have managed to keep your good habits going in the run up to Christmas, and that is a mighty fine feat! So here is the final Advent Challenge…but don’t worry, I have a tiny, tiny present for you for tomorrow … Read more

Advent challenge – Dec 23

Advent challenge – Dec 23

It’s the penultimate one!  Good luck! The format of today is the 10, 20, 30 second superset!  You have 2 alternating exercises (you swap between one and the other) and you do 10, 20 then 30 seconds of each. Todays exercises are Side Lunge and Single Leg Squat Thrust.  So todays workout looks like this: … Read more

Advent challenge – Dec 22

Advent challenge – Dec 22

The format of today is the 16,12,8 superset!  You have 2 alternating exercises (you swap between one and the other) and you do x16 reps of the first exercise, x16 reps of the second exercise, then x12 and x8 reps of them. Todays exercises are Half Divebomber and Pump and Crunch.  So todays workout looks … Read more