The format of today is the 16,12,8 superset! You have 2 alternating exercises (you swap between one and the other) and you do x16 reps of the first exercise, x16 reps of the second exercise, then x12 and x8 reps of them.
Todays exercises are press ups and windscreen wipers. So todays workout looks like this:
- x16 press ups
- x16 windscreen wipers
- x12 press ups
- x12 windscreen wipers
- x8 press ups
- x8 windscreen wipers
And that is it! All done! And then you can get on with the rest of your Christmas prep.
Share and enjoy…
As always, I’m useless at self promotion, so please do me a solid favour and share the hell out of this for me?? On your Twitters, your Facebooks and your Instagrams and stuff? Cheers! And come back tomorrow for the next one…..