This is a good watch for anyone who exercises or works as a trainer, like I do…
BBC news – Is harassment making women quit the gym?
I’ve been in this industry for over 10 years now and I’ve seen a lot of what they are talking about. Mostly from other people who were in the gym, but occasionally from trainers I’ve worked with. And it has always made me feel really uncomfortable. And I wasn’t even the focus of the harassment!
I agree totally with the closing words of the interview, where they say they go to the gym and exercise to feel good about themselves. From my point of view, that is the whole reason I have spent my whole life doing it…because I enjoy the feeling it gives me when I can do exciting new things.
But I am very aware that my perspective is that of a sweaty, smelly middle aged bloke who no one is ever going to sexually harass. So I’ve never had to experience it myself.
But now I’m self employed and I do train with a lot of women in private. So I would love to hear the experiences of others so I can try to make sure that I don’t accidentally trip over the line, from telling bad jokes to making people feel uncomfortable, intimidated and putting them off exercising.
Please feel free to comment below…
Cerin you are fab at what you do. I always find you encouraging and committed to making me do better than before. I have never felt uncomfortable only supported to learn and become more confident in what I can do
Cerin you are fab at what you do. I always find you encouraging and committed to making me do better than before. I have never felt uncomfortable only supported to learn and become more confident in what I can do
There again no one is going to harass me either
Thank you! YOu are lovely saying that!
But I’m a firm believer we can all improve. So I’m honestly not fishing for compliments, just curious how I and all of us around can do better 🙂