Online virtual training classroom

Online personal training

What is the virtual classroom?

The virtual classroom is something Google developed to help school teachers teach their classes.  It is a way for a “teacher” (or coach) to educate, encourage, set homework and interact with “pupils” (or clients) online.  I’m obviously more than happy to steal anyones good idea, so I’m using their classroom and school model/tools to help people with their health, fitness and eating.

Virtual Classroom

It uses all of Googles free online tools to help groups of students collaborate, share and interact.  In the virtual classroom, I set you:

  • Exercise challenges.  Get regular challenges to help you get fitter, stronger and into a better training routine.
  • Exercise tutorials.  Don’t just go through the motions when you exercise.  Learn how and why to exercise more efficiently.
  • Exercise and food plans.  We all know we should be eating and exercising better.  But I can help teach you how to actually get it done in a practical, real life situation.

It is free to join the classroom and you can leave any time you like.  You have nothing to lose but your old, bad habits!

How to join the virtual classroom

Because it is a Google product, you will need a Google account to join in.  Don’t worry, that does not mean you need a Google email or anything.  You can keep your current email, you just need to link it to a Google account.

  1. If you are unsure about this, follow this link and find out how it is done:
  2. You can use the virtual classroom on your computer or your tablet/phone.  I’ve found the most convenient way is on your phone.  To do this, you need to download the app.  Click here to find out how:
  3. Now you are ready to join.  Follow the video below and use the code: 


Why join the virtual classroom?

Being fit, strong and healthy is more than just going to the gym once or twice a week.  It is about living a healthy, fit and strong lifestyle for the other 166 hours of the week.  I felt I have struggled to help people with this in just the hour training session I have with them.  So this is my attempt to help them get their minds working differently and change their habits and behaviours for the better.

In the classroom at the moment, we are helping people with food diaries, training planners and various exercise challenges.  Come on in and join us and help me find more ways to help nudge people into better lifestyles!

So download the app, use the code above and join us today!