Couch to 5k programme

Couch to 5k

This is the first time I’ve done something like this, so please bare with me and let me know how it goes (seriously, I really actually do want some feedback from this).

Couch to 5K running programme.

What is it?

The couch to 5k programme is a fantastic way to help almost anyone go from being a couch potato to being able to run 5k and take part in fun events.  It has worked for thousands of people all around the country and I’m sure it can work for you too.  So if you want to be able to take part in a local fun run, or just want to get a bit fitter and be able to jog around the block but have no idea how, then this is for you.  

How does it work?

The Couch to 5k training programme is a simple 9 week plan to get you up and running.  It is very simple to follow and will guide you all the way through from “absolute beginner” to “runner badass” levels.  

Each Sunday I email you the very simple running plan for the coming week.  These help you keep on track, answer some of the more common questions and guide you through each step of the way.

What do you have to do?

All you got to do is click here to register your name.  And don’t worry about giving me your details, they will only be used for this Couch to 5k training plan.  

So sign your name up below and get running!

Oh yeah, and I really mean it, I really do want to know what you think of this course.  Any and all comments, questions and suggestions to me via my contact page here: