Group Training – Outdoor Bootcamp, Sunday evening

Group TrainingWhat

FLASHmob group training is our ab-hoc training sessions.  They happen at random times, random places and consist of random things.

This session is a basic, outdoor, bootcamp circuit training session.  It’s outdoors (whatever the weather), consists of a about half a dozen mixed exercises and you get stuck in, train hard and hopefully have a good time!

And as an added bonus, half an hour before this session starts, I will have finished my final shift at my old job!  So I’m sure I will be in an extra special good mood 🙂


Sunday 30th August, 5:30pm.


Broughton Hall.

How Much

Only £5 payable on the day.

And as usual, I rely on you guys to spread the word of these sessions.  Without you, they simply would not happen.  So thank you very much, and please share this with anyone you think might be interested.